Itu namanya Planning Yah…
Saturdays are the time for my husband to get connected with his protégé. He takes our son to the driving range, a haircut, or to a local drawing lesson.
A Sales person is always a sales person
One of my dear friends is a sales person. He does it really well and he is proud of his job.
Starting with a simple Savings Account … The purpose of Money
Most mothers start their kids ‘financial literacy course’ with the piggy bank / celengan.
I think this is wrong.
The 1st contestant to DEBT VS DIET Challenge
I’ve had several emails entering the Debt VS Diet Challenge.
This email came in last week 22nd March 2007 – from a girl we called Sari.
Battling the habit! Start in the morning…
This section is dedicated for those who are determined to shape down their debt!
The program is simple, you shape down your debt and in return I’ll go on a healthy diet program. GOOD LUCK!
How ‘fat’ are you?
Are you in so much debt that you just feel so sick of it?
Do you want to change this condition?
Get Yourself an Accountant!
I took Accounting 101 at Curtin University of Technology. It was so hard, I couldn’t believe I passed the subject!
Pemula Ingin Memulai Investasi Reksadana
Gini.. neh win, woooopss… maap gak sopan manggil2 lo win, mohon dimaafkan.
Nama : Beby
Umur : 20
Tujuan LO Apa?
Ade “The Producer” of Good Morning Hard Rockers Show, once jokingly asked me the question, “Wina, lo nanyain Tujuan Lo Apa sama anak-anak lo gak?”
The Inspiration
Hari ini setelah siaran pagi di Hard Rock FM, gue take VO untuk insert financial tips, terus nganggur. Akhirnya nongkrong di Starbucks Thamrin sambil nungguin meeting jam 11 yang ternyata gak jadi juga.