Some heart warming messages
I admit, this is self-centered …
But I really need to share this… cause it feels really good to know that you’re doing something right.
Asuransi yang Mana Nih?
Dear Wina,
Nama saya David. Saya punya pertanyaan penting banget nih. Ceki ceki dong. Saya ditawari asuransi, tapi bingung mau milih yang mana. Wina kan pernah bilang, rekomendasinya asuransi term life. Tolong dong jelaskan saya perlu asuransi seperti apa.
H-1 to the book launch
Halo all,
It’s 1 more day before our event Seminar “Apa & Mengapa Reksadana”
The book is finally ready. I started writing it a little over a year ago. It took our heart and soul poured into the book at such along period of time just to make sure you’ll enjoy it
Rob Schneider is officially my hero!
Welcome to Planets of the Nerds
Ever watch the movie “The Benchwarmer”?
Tips For Shopowners (NEW PHOTO!)
I had the honour of being invited by PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk to speak with some of their partners in distribution.
We all deserve to spend our money :P
This is what my typical Thursday schedule looks like. I don’t do this everyday ofcourse. But other days don’t differ too much.