Tahap 1. Rencana Memulai Segalanya
PLAN NOW! Lima Tahap Terencana Mencapai Kebebasan Finansial
1. Rencana Memulai Segalanya (more…)
The book is finally ready. I started writing it a little over a year ago. It took our heart and soul poured into the book at such along period of time just to make sure you’ll enjoy it
Rob Schneider is officially my hero!
Welcome to Planets of the Nerds
Ever watch the movie “The Benchwarmer”?
Tips For Shopowners (NEW PHOTO!)
I had the honour of being invited by PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk to speak with some of their partners in distribution.
Jadi… Boleh Ngutang Gak Sih?
This week topic for Financial Clinic is Paying Your Debt.
A very retail credit knowledgeable friend of mine told me that it’s a very Indonesian way of thinking to depend your life in debt.
Pemberitahuan Kantor Tutup
Bersama ini kami beritahukan bahwa pada :
Hari/tanggal : Rabu, 8 Agustus 2007
Kantor PT Quantum Magna tutup, bertepatan dengan PILKADA DKI Jakarta. Semua pertemuan dengan para klien akan dijadwal ulang/dilaksanakan di tempat lain.
QM Financial
Berita Duka
Bersama ini kami sampaikan bahwa Bapak JOHN B. RIUPASSA – ayahanda dari Ratna K. Riupassa, QM Client Relations Officer – telah meninggal dunia.
One of the most difficult cases : ‘Pasien Kemo’
Victor & Rhea are my shopacholic friends. Of course these are not their real names and I truly thank Victor & Rhea for allowing me to share their story.
This is : The Magical Shopping Account!
Imagine how much fun you can have with shopping, when YOU HAVE THE MONEY!
Let me tell you a little secret. I have what I call : The Magical Shopping Account.