Are you in so much debt that you just feel so sick of it?
Do you want to change this condition?
Kirimkan email ke : dengan data-data utang seperti :
- Besarnya saldo utang (kartu kredit, kredit yang tidak menggunakan kolateral, kredit lainnya)
- Besarnya cicilan utang per bulan
- Besarnya gaji per bulan
- Kegunaan kredit (untuk belanja makanan, entertainment, elektronik, mobil, rumah, bayar utang lagi, dll)
That’s our challenge!
You should be working very hard to lower down your debt. Especially those unnecessary debts! Credit card debt, non collateral debts, you name it, you probably have one!
In return, I would be giving you my most embarrassing secret!
I have ‘food’ problem!
While other girls would be thinking of how to spend their money on bags, clothes or shoes, I’d be busy thinking of which restaurant to go to.
When we go to Padang resto, my husband would be laughing out loud because I would eat 3 portions of rice.
Not to mention the leftovers from my kids’ plates.
We call it Food bingeing.
I don’t know how to stop myself.
It’s not a big deal (oooooh I’m in so much denial, I wouldn’t even admit it as a problem!)
Let’s just say that I have to change my clothes several sizes up
I’m in such denial that I think I’m amazingly “skinny”.
Let’s swap!
I know how to control my spending.
I know how to keep my credit card debt at : ZERO!
Will you do that to yourself?
I am challenging you : to control your spending and keep your credit card debt at ZERO.
In return, I’m now officially on a healthy diet program. I’m lowering down my food intake. I’m going to the gym more regularly.
No, I’m no Barbie doll. I will not go on a crash diet. This is suppose to be a healthy diet program.
The program is simple.
You shape down your debt. I’ll shape down my food bingeing habit.
Let’s bring in the numbers!
Numbers don’t lie…
Finance Should Be Practical!
Ligwina Hananto
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