Back to Work: My Book is Coming Up!
Sekar texted me this morning… and asked how I’m doing…. Ofcourse si jeung ini mau ngasih kerjaan hehehe…
We’re Not That Backwards Are We?
My husband and I believe that we’re both so geeky. You cannot ignore the fact you’re a geek because in the middle of Central Hong Kong, you’re both busy looking for a bookstore. Hahahaha…
Greetings fromThe Land of Jackie Chan
greetings from the land of jackie chan… damn you jackie, kenapa sih jualan kaos gambar jackie aja HK$266???
You know you are a workaholic when…
… your lover calls you at 9.30 pm and you ask, “ What? Why? Is it time to go home?”
… you drive home and put the MMS show at 87.6 Hard Rock FM as your benchmark for you’re just right on time to go home (YES, we do listen to you guys!!! ) (more…)
7 years later…
Today is a very special day…
Bukan cuma karena gajian di kantor suami gue jatuh di tanggal 25 setiap bulannya… dan artinya dia akan transfer uang ke rekening pribadi gue kikikikik
I’ll always come home to Bandung…
Would you believe me if I told you that Bandung is MORE DANGEROUS than Singapore!
Here’s the trouble we usually get into…
(WARNING : jangan ketawa! Karena mungkin lo juga melakukan hal yang sama kalau pulang kampung terlalu sering ) (more…)
Apa Kata-kata favoritmu…
Funny things happen when you spend a lot of time with a group of people at work. I get to see how each of us ‘operate’…
You are Responsible with Your Own Finances
In case any of you are wondering why I haven’t update the blog. Well, no excuse. But I thought I should update you on what’s going on.
When to Say YES and When to Say NO…
Have you ever been called by a telemarketer?
What’s your answer to them?
Our Children Have to Go To School
Those who follow Financial Clinic at 87.6 Hard Rock FM should know by now that Education Fund is the scariest possible thing that is happening to our generation.