Love Your Country?
Belakangan ini banyak sekali hal-hal yang membangunkan rasa cinta tanah air di hati gue.
Mulai dari “penemuan” sahabat2 lama dari jaman kuliah melalui Facebook. Ingat perjuangan waktu Krismon 97-98. Nangis rame2 melihat tayangan TV, kepala mahasiswa ditendangin...
What We Can Learn From Barack Obama & John McCain Debate
I am sitting down on our big sofa in our orangey living room at home. It’s 11PM, after a very productive crazy Thursday. The replay of Presidential Debate 2008 is on at Channel News Asia.
Ajaib ya?
Kok bisa sih mereka debat serang-serangan, dengan jarak duduk sedekat...
Rupiah melemah, saatnya beli Dollar$? Eits ntar dulu…
Begini data yang gue lihat di MetroTV tadi malam :
30 Sept 08 : IDR 9.425/USD 1
10 Oct 08 : IDR 9.860/USD 1
Siapa yang gak “geumpeur” atau deg2an melihat Rupiah tiba2 drop dalam 2 minggu? Nembus Rp 10.000 lagi nih?
Dow is Lower… Braise for Impact
As I’m watching the news, a rush of excitement comes in… On friday, Dow Jones is closing at around 8400. This is bad bad news for all of us. Dow Jones (indeks Saham u/ New York Stock Exchange) awalnya ada di angka 10.000an. Jd turun sudah 20%.
According to CNBC,...
My conversation with an old friend
Dita Daradjatun is my old friend from campus. Don calls us The Curtin Finance Geeks. Dulu rumah kami bertetangga di South Perth, sekali2 gw suka dijemput oleh Dita buat ngerjain assignment yg segambreng dari Curtin Business School itu.
Dita juga mengambil jurusan Finance. She...
Call me crazy! When crisis comes in, I’m buying more stocks!
Gw jengkel sekali karena saham perusahaan2 terbaik negeri ini dijual murah. Apalagi ini gara2 salah satu investment banker jawara bikin statement : jauhi Indonesia.
Rasanya jengkel seperti kalo negeri kita lagi kena Travel Warning. Reaksi gue adalah : ya udah kalo turis asing...
The Scary Midnight Sale
Last night we went out for dinner with our bestfriend Rene and another dear friend Yasmina. Don wanted to pick up his Kanye West concert ticket in Senayan City, so off we went…
After dinner, followed by a normal spending on Don’s new pair of jeans, we got hook at Debenhams...
Greetings People…
Hi there!
It’s been awhile since I manage to post an article on
We have been very busy. Family holiday, the new academic year, plan to move our office, my brother’s wedding, Don’s brother’s wedding. Also, we got some very...
Nanti Aku Gak Tinggal di Sini Lagi Ya Ma?
It’s very interesting how our children react to events occurring in our lives.
My brother got married in May. Within 2 months, Don’s brother also got married.
Ayah, Why You Mention Small Number?
Don reminded me last night to write about our latest experience in teaching financial planning for our little children.
Oiya, I forgot to tell you. My darling husband – the great looking and wonderful guy that he is – has this little weak spot with… bargaining....