Summary tweet #KidsNMoney 25 Juni 2013
Berikut merupakan summary tweet #KidsNMoney 25 Juni 2013:
More notes for #KidsNMoney. Kali ini tentang gimana memanfaatkan liburan sekolah (terutama anak SD) untuk belajar tentang uang, dari hidup sehari-hari
Apa ide kita sebagai orangtua untuk memperkenalkan uang pada...
Summary tentang #KidsNMoney
Brs siaran Referensiana Sindo TV. Bhs ttg arti uang buat anak2. Slalu seru ya kalo urusannya mpersiapkan anak2 utk mjd gnerasi yg lbh baik:)
Gampang2 susah ya ngajarin anak ttg uang. Tp tetep hrs disiapin dr skrg. Mulai dr hal sederhana aja dl #KidsNMoney
Kpn? Saat...
What We Do As Parents – Our Children Will Follow
Kata Shahnaz Haque – disela-sela shooting acara Trans7 Tupperware She CAN! – seorang anak pasti akan belajar apa yg dilakukan orang tuanya. Saat itu kami mengobrol ttg bagaimana 3 anak perempuan Shanaz dg A’Gilang (yang kebetulan kerabat keluarga Mamaku) mau...
Nanti Aku Gak Tinggal di Sini Lagi Ya Ma?
It’s very interesting how our children react to events occurring in our lives.
My brother got married in May. Within 2 months, Don’s brother also got married.
Ayah, Why You Mention Small Number?
Don reminded me last night to write about our latest experience in teaching financial planning for our little children.
Oiya, I forgot to tell you. My darling husband – the great looking and wonderful guy that he is – has this little weak spot with… bargaining....
Azra & Dena’s Independence Fund
You’ll probably say, “You’re joking me!” if I tell you that we are preparing ourself to ‘throw‘ our kids out of our house. They are only 5 yo and 2 yo.
Itu namanya Planning Yah…
Saturdays are the time for my husband to get connected with his protégé. He takes our son to the driving range, a haircut, or to a local drawing lesson.
Starting with a simple Savings Account … The purpose of Money
Most mothers start their kids ‘financial literacy course’ with the piggy bank / celengan.
I think this is wrong.
Tujuan LO Apa?
Ade “The Producer” of Good Morning Hard Rockers Show, once jokingly asked me the question, “Wina, lo nanyain Tujuan Lo Apa sama anak-anak lo gak?”
The Inspiration
Hari ini setelah siaran pagi di Hard Rock FM, gue take VO untuk insert financial tips, terus nganggur. Akhirnya nongkrong di Starbucks Thamrin sambil nungguin meeting jam 11 yang ternyata gak jadi juga.