One of the most difficult cases : ‘Pasien Kemo’
Victor & Rhea are my shopacholic friends. Of course these are not their real names and I truly thank Victor & Rhea for allowing me to share their story.
This is : The Magical Shopping Account!
Imagine how much fun you can have with shopping, when YOU HAVE THE MONEY!
Let me tell you a little secret. I have what I call : The Magical Shopping Account.
A producer of a TV show once called me asked if I would be a guest in her show. The topic was : Pasar Modern VS Pasar Tradisional.
My response was – as usual – annoying : what the ****???
Gaji 3 juta dan Gaji 8 juta…
Just got back to the office. If any of you are waiting for this update I know, exciting isn’t it? Makanya bikin plan dong heheheh jualan terruuuuusss…
What Every Parent Wants : Education Fund for Your Child…
This article is to support today’s topic in Financial Clinic 87.6 Hard Rock FM.
Now it’s Dipo’s turn to have his education planned starting from now.
Jadi… Liburan ke Mana?
Our polling will change the topic to “Ke Mana Anda Berencana Untuk Liburan?” starting the 1st of July. Make sure you vote so we’ll see for sure if Bandung or Singapore wins
Liburan Yuuuks…
These are some frequently asked questions regarding Holiday Budget – a compliment to last week’s Financial Clinic at 87.6 Hard Rock FM.
How to Prepare for Education Fund? (NEW PHOTO!)
This is a very popular topic that I will never have enough about.
Just last week I was invited to participate in an event held by Ogilvy PR
What’s the Deal with Cicilan 0% ?
This topic becomes important because this is one topic that creates dilemma for a lot of people.
Jadi boleh gak sih beli barang dengan mencicil? Kan bisa dicicil dengan bunga 0%?
A Sad Story on Insurance
A sad story today came from a friend of mine.
She is 30 years old married with 2 kids. She just bought a unitlink insurance with coverage of Rp 1 billion. I said to her, well done. Then I popped the scary question, how much did it cost you? (more…)