Investasi Gak Ya?
Investasi Gak YA?
Belakangan ini gue sering banget dapat pertanyaan :
Dengan naiknya BBM, pasar kondisinya jelek, investasi apa yang harus kita lakukan?
Financial Clinic VS Career Coach
Akhirnya event yang gue damba-dambakan hadir juga. Sabtu lalu 17 Mei 2008, gue & Rene hadir untuk Hard Rockers di acara “Financial Clinic VS Career Coach : Income Gak Cukup, Salah Siapa?”
What Are You Going To Give Up?
Naik nih BBM!
Siap gak?
Siap menurunkan gaya hidup?
Demi bisa terus berinvestasi setiap bulan, kita harus menurunkan gaya hidup. Ergh… Sebenernya ogah sih. Tapi sebelum bisa meningkatkan penghasilan, gue harus belajar ‘hemat’ sedikiiiiiiiiit aja! (more…)
Siap-siap Menghadapi BBM Naik
Ada satu topik yang membuat gue mules beberapa minggu terakhir ini. Topik ini adalah : Kenaikan BBM. Surat kabar nasional sudah menuliskan komentar Presiden yang bunyinya : ini bukan soal naik atau tidak, tetapi akan naik berapa banyak. Glek.
Remember that Gorgeous House I Wanted?
It’s always important that we refresh ourselves about our financial goals. That’s just what I got myself into the past few days.
I sat with Teja last week to discuss about my family financial plan. I know how to do one but Don & I always got into arguments over our...
The Tools are Finally Ready
It’s been weeks since I have the time to sit back a little bit.
We have a very friendly and understanding sponsor for Financial Clinic ;)
An opportunity to work for clients at a large corporation – very exciting. I missed out on some articles’ deadlines and some monthly...
Bilang gini aja : Lo pikir gue oon ya?
7.15 senin pagi.
Gue lagi di jalan, macet di tol jagorawi, hujan deras sekali di sekitar TMII.
Pandji habis muterin lagu rap nya di Hard Rock FM. We’re so happy for you Nji! (more…)
How Long Can We Last?
Ada pertanyaan seperti ini :
Win, bokap gue mau operasi jantung Rp 20 juta. I will have to pay for this.
Dana Darurat gue sendiri aja gak cukup. Gimana ya?
Do You (Still) Have Shopping Problem?
At the beginning of the month, I took my best friend Miza out for lunch at Senayan City. Afterwards, we usually go around for our ‘window shopping’. The usual list : jewelry stores, shoes shops, clothing lines… you know the works.
When Passion Doesn’t Pay Your Bill!
Pertengahan November 2007, saya bertemu dengan Sekar Pandan Wangi – Program Director Hard Rock FM. Hasilnya, kami punya daftar topik untuk 2008.