Unitlink VS (Term + Reksadana) = N70 VS (iPod + Digicam)
I will give the credit to my dear friend Ersa Mayori for coming up with this description of unitlink. She told me this story, how she tried to explain to another friend about unitlink. I thought it was faboulous.
Do You (Still) Have Shopping Problem?
At the beginning of the month, I took my best friend Miza out for lunch at Senayan City. Afterwards, we usually go around for our ‘window shopping’. The usual list : jewelry stores, shoes shops, clothing lines… you know the works.
A Call Out to Stop Plagiarism
Tolong ya please. You can use this blog and put it into practical use.
By all means, please do so.
But please don’t abuse it. (more…)
Bendera Setengah Tiang
Today we all witness the passing of a ‘great’ man. I don’t think I’ve seen a more moving ceremony than this.
Jan’08 Motivation for the Debt Diet Challenge
I spoke on Financial Clinic a couple of weeks ago. I admit, I have all the motivation I needed to get my finances going. But for the Debt Diet Challenge… I’m in limbo.
Jan’08 Putting Motivation into Commitment
This month we talk about motivation.
Our family is motivated to change the way we work with our money, only after we had our first born.
CATET : Saya Ligwina Hananto. Saya TIDAK membeli asuransi unitlink :P
Ada beberapa ’teman’ yang tanya kenapa saya TIDAK BELI unitlink. Banyak banget alasannya Boss :).
Mungkin ya… kalau ada teman-teman yang mau seperti saya :P jawaban seperti di bawah ini bisa membantu heuheuheu… (more…)
Another child’s birthday????
Ario – a very old friend of ours (maksudnya bukan lo tua ya boss hahahah) texted my Don last week…
“Don, gue liat si kue princess di websitenya QM. Dapet dari mana?”
When Passion Doesn’t Pay Your Bill!
Pertengahan November 2007, saya bertemu dengan Sekar Pandan Wangi – Program Director Hard Rock FM. Hasilnya, kami punya daftar topik untuk 2008.