7.15 senin pagi.
Gue lagi di jalan, macet di tol jagorawi, hujan deras sekali di sekitar TMII.
Pandji habis muterin lagu rap nya di Hard Rock FM. We’re so happy for you Nji! Gue langsung cubit cowok ganteng yang duduk sebelah gue (ya maap, kalo bukan bini nya sendiri siapa yang mau ngaku dia ganteng dong hihihi),”Sayang harus beli yang asli ya!!”
Lagi happy-happy begini, iklan sebuah bank dengan enteng menyarankan kita mencicil semua nya… aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarggh…
Nah yang model gini neh jebakan batman. Kalau ada penerbit kartu yang menyarankan : cicil aja semuanya, mulai dari belanja bulanan sampe liburan. Lo udah tau kan jawabannya?
Jawab begini : Lo pikir gue oon ya?
Kalau habis belanja bulanan, ada aja orang credit card yang nyamperin dan bilang : ”Dicicil aja bu???” Orang itu pasti akan gue semprot dengan cara itu hehehehe…
Seriously, if they want you to put your grocery shopping and your holiday into installment, they are insulting your intelligence. Jadi, kata ‘oon’ udah cukup sopan untuk penerbit kartu seperti itu.
Siapa tuh orang product development nya :P i know you read this blog. I challenge you! If you yourself put your grocery bill into installments, how smart is that mate? Hehehe :)
Lo akan terlalu sibuk mencicil beras yang sudah habis 3 bulan lalu, atau liburan ke Bali yang sudah berakhir 6 bulan yang lalu. Jadi lo gak akan punya uang lagi untuk investasi regular. Soon you’ll lose control over your money, and also your future…
Kok gak dipikirin ya bikin promosi kayak gitu?
I love my credit cards and I will continue to use it extravagantly. And I have the money to pay it off at due date. And I still have 30% of our income going into regular investments.
Tapi kalo promo di radio, di tv sampe udah ada kartu yang ngajakin orang untuk ngutangin beras, menurut gue udah keterlaluan. Sedih banget…
Tapi Win, kan kita bantuin banknya bikin profit. Jadi pegawai bank bisa makmur.
Eh permisi ya. Kalo lu nunggak bayaran, gak ada pegawai bank yang akan bantuin lu. Kalau lu gak punya uang untuk bayar uang pangkal anak masuk TK, gak ada pegawai bank yang akan bantuin lu. Kalau pensiun melarat, gak akan ada pegawai bank yang akan bantuin lu.
Below is the email I sent to the team of that particular credit card issuer. Just let me take the heat. I’m so pissed off right now.
I showed the email to Don, he gave me a devilish smile and said, “I know just the person you should send it to…”
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m writing in protest for your recent credit card program : xxxxxx card. The promotion on the radio suggested that people pay their grocery shopping and holiday into regular installments.
This shows that you are not practicing responsible lending.
When people are encouraged to put their grocery shopping into installments, it means they are paying in credit for their food, rice, noodles, eggs, cooking oils, baby diapers, soaps and shampoos. This translates into vicious cycle of debt : people will still be paying for the rice they have consumed 3 months ago, and they are already buying more rice for today, to pay the next 3 months.
These people will eventually be drowned in debt. They will have very little savings. They will not be able to afford for their children education and have no future to look forward to.
I have met so many people with huge unpaid credit card bills. They carried credit card balances between Rp 75 million – Rp 300 million, while their income is between Rp 1 million – Rp 10 million a month. The most significant item in their bill is : grocery shopping.
I acknowledge that this debt is their own fault and they have to pay it off. But there are people out there with very low financial literacy. Your current promo will only create new bad debtors.
Sir/Madam, you have just insulted the intelligence of people in this great country. I cannot just sit here and do nothing about it. Please change your promo into something more responsible.
I am sure, everyone in your credit division, product development and sales will agree with me that they themselves should not be paying for their grocery shopping and holiday into credit installments.
I’m looking forward for a prompt reply.
Yours Sincerely,
Ligwina Hananto