Ada pertanyaan seperti ini :
Win, bokap gue mau operasi jantung Rp 20 juta. I will have to pay for this.
Dana Darurat gue sendiri aja gak cukup. Gimana ya?
Rekomendasi gue, gunakan Dana Darurat. Sebisa mungkin jangan minjem deh. Tapi kalau gak ada cara lain ya mau gak mau harus minjem. Komitmen aja supaya bisa bayar ya.
Lemes deh dengernya. I’ve been waiting for something like this to happen. Kenapa? Karena dalam 2 tahun terakhir, gue banyak banget ketemu kasus pensiunan kehabisan uang. Bukan cuma cerita pensiunan yang dana pensiunnya sedikit lho. Yang menurut gue udah makmur juga ternyata terbatas sekali kemampuannya. Seperti juga kita, generasi orang tua kita tidak pernah mempertimbangkan : bahaya inflasi.
Here’s an example. Pensioner couple, already at Stage 5 : Financial Freedom. 60% of their routine expenses is covered from their pension fund – available monthly from their 15 years work at a multinational company.
Only 60%? YES! Isn’t that scary? I mean it’s a lot of money yet it’s not enough for their current expenses.
The other 40% comes from their assets. They own a rumah kos and a joined partnership for a small business. Yippee… This is what I’m talking about, active assets that provides monthly income. So don’t need so much pension fund.
Unfortunately the business partnership will be closed down in 3 years time.
So here we are, Teja & I, looking into the numbers and beginning to hyperventilate. The couple has enough cash to live only for the next 5-7 years. Our task is to find a new asset to replace the current business deal. The next step is to create 2nd stage pension fund. Not difficult to do, considering the couple is financially savvy and understand the concepts of investments.
All the goals are met, except for one : Pension Health Fund.
How long do you think you will last?
It just seems that we will have to prepare so much money for our pension years.
In the past, average life expectancy for Indonesians is around 65 yo. Things have change… a lot.
My grandparents lived up to their 70s and 80s. All except for 1 grandfather ‘Abah’ Dajat Hardjakusumah who succumbed to heart attack in his forties. Well, he was prominent journalist in the 60s, a heavy smoker, he had a lot in his mind.
More importantly, all the long lived grandparents led very active lives – thus higher expenses. Brilliant ‘Aki’ Poerwo Soesatyo Hadikusumo was actually a lecturing dean at 80yo (ya ya biarpun namanya berakhiran huruf O semua, beliau ingin dipanggil Aki. Seperti juga semua orang dari etnik manapun di Bandung, kami sudah tersundanisasi dengan sakses hehehe). Flambouyant ‘Nini’ Emmie Sastramanggala Poerwo traveled to the US by herself in her 70s. Lovely ‘Indung’ Kenran Hardjakusumah – whom I lived with during high school years – was less active, but her list of arisan and pengajian was endless hehehe…
I witnessed my grandparents became ill and eventually passed away. They went in and out of hospitals, costing them and their children a lot of money.
Ever wonder how we will end up in our 70s or 80s?
Ever wonder how your parents will end up?
Talk to your parents now.
Get an understanding at how well their financial condition is. It wont be easy to talk about money with your parents. But you have to! There is a huge chance that you will have to support them in the future. Let me translate that : you will need 2 pension funds and 2 pension health funds. 1 for you and your spouse, the other for your parents.
… It’s not going to be easy…
I’m calling my mom!
You ARE Responsible For Your Own Finances!
Ligwina Hananto