This topic becomes important because this is one topic that creates dilemma for a lot of people.
Jadi boleh gak sih beli barang dengan mencicil? Kan bisa dicicil dengan bunga 0%?
Simple answer : Mampu gak?
There is a huge difference between ’Mampu’ and ’Punya Uangnya’.
For example, if I have Rp 50 million in my bank account and my husband wants to buy a flat screen TV for Rp 15 million, can we afford it?
Those who run a comprehensive plan will ask, what’s the status of your financial plan? Is there any other financial goal that are more important that the flat screen TV? Mind you I have 2 little children with expensive school fees. Plus, we have to talk about Dana Darurat, which is ofcourse 12 x our monthly expense because we have 2 little children.
It means we have the cash to buy this bloody TV he’s been talking about for the last 2 months. I have to bear with him over his PSP last year and his iPod this year. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt if we wait for the TV. The Rp 50 million in my bank account should first go for our Dana Darurat or Dena’s TK Fund or to this other business opportunity waiting to be explored.
Therefore, we are very proud to say : we simply cannot afford to buy the TV yet.
Can you believe this?
Future Head of Risk of a multifinance company and CEO of a financial planning company cannot afford to buy a Rp 15 million flat screen TV?
Now that is the benefit of having a comprehensive plan. I know exactly where my money has to go at which scale of priority.
Kan Cicilan 0%?
Again, we have the money to pay for this installment, but I’d rather we wait. We have been scheduled to renew our planning contract in July (YES! Even a Mr. Hananto has to pay for his financial planning services to QMF!!! haha). We have housing loan, car ownership program and lots of other things changing with my husband’s new position. So we’ll see what kind of revisions we need to make on our monthly cash flow before we can actually afford another debt installment.
The point is, not buying this flat screen TV will not make us terminally ill!
So it CAN wait. We’ll be watching ‘Heroes’ and D’s sport channels extravaganza downstairs where the family room is, with our 7 year old 29inch wedding gift TV from Om Harsha. It’s not flatscreen, but it’s still 29inch! Good enough…
Now, if you have something you want to pay using this wonderful Cicilan 0%, ask yourself : Mampu Gak Sih? IF your answer is YES, Go For It!!! But if you’re like me and you have kazillion things to go through before buying this flatscreen TV, then you’d better reconsider.
By the way, I’ll let you know when we finally buy this flatscreen TV. Last month my lovely TV credenza for the master bedroom has arrived, it sits very nicely in front of our bed… empty… waiting for the TV.
Finance Should Be Practical!
Ligwina Hananto