How much do we need to spend for the weekend? Karena kami ber2 bekerja, jd weekend biasanya jd hari2 penebusan rasa bersalah krn kurang waktu bertemu anak2.
Masalahnya adalah, self discipline yg sudah rapi2 kita lakukan, kacau balau gara2 “guilt trip” itu tadi.
Ini contoh pengeluaran kami weekend lalu… Buset deh emang mahal bgt ya kerja di jakarta…
Coba deh… Sekali ke mall, habis berapa?
Parkir : paling gak Rp10.000
Makan ber4 : antara Rp100.000-Rp 250.000 (ah masaaa heheheh… 100.000 itu angka yg jarang terjadi ya)
Entertainment : Rp100.000-Rp500.000 (bisa berbentuk buku, timezone, atau yg extreme masuk Kidzania)
Dessert : Rp25.000-Rp125.000 (Es krim nih biasanya)
Jadi paling tidak, sekali ke mall bisa habis Rp235.000. Paling mahal habis Rp 885.000. Bayangin kalo ke mall nya 4x sebulan.
Ugh glek… Ini belum pake Ibunya naksir sepatu, keceblos sale baju anak, atau ayah menemukan game.
Pantesan aja banyak org yg ngutang kartu kredit ya? Do this everyweekend and we’re doomed for life. Ampun-ampunan deh. The key is managing ur time. Gak perlu ke mall tiap minggu kan?
There once was a period when we didn’t go to the mall at all. Nongkrong2 aja di rumah, beres2, main game, baca buku. Jreeeeeng… Tagihan kartu kredit gw turun 50% lho! Hihihi… Jadi bisa kok “mengurangi” tinggal “bersedia” apa gak…
Kuncinya ada di : tahu diri. Punya uangnya, berangkat! Gak punya uangnya, di rumah aja. Say it proudly when u cannot afford something!
What I do have is money to spend for my guilt weekend trips wit the kids :) what u shud know is the fact that don n I have been cutting down on our coffee spending, I have not gone to the spa for months. There are consequences that we face to make sure we can still go out with the kids… This I can afford…
What we cannot afford, proudly, are fancy branded bags (I only have one, didn’t go buy the 2nd one because I’d rather spend it on TLKM), trip to europe (that London trip has been cancelled hehehe), a house inside jakarta nor can we afford the blue metalic mini cooper turbo.
We know exactly what we can and what we cannot afford. We’ve seen the numbers. It looks amazing. And if we push it too much, there’s noway we can achieve the important goals like those very expensive school tuition fees. Perlukah gue ingatkan, berapa biaya untuk sekolah S1 ke Perth? Sekarang perlu paling gak 1 M untuk 1 anak… 12 thn dari sekarang : 5M untuk 1 anak…
Check the numbers, know what u can and cannot afford :) jd jalan2 weekend nya gak asal, gitu lho..
Finance Should be Practical!
Ligwina Hananto