”Kenapa harus investasi ke reksadana kalo bisa bikin bisnis sendiri?”
Itu pertanyaan klasik dari wirausahawan yang gak mikirin keuangan pribadinya….
”Emangnya bisnis Mas udah menghasilkan berapa sih sebulan?”
”30 juta…”
”Wah lumayan ya Mas…”
”Heheheh… tapi kan saya harus bayar pegawai..”
Kwakwaw…. what is he talking about???
Ok I really respect those who decided to make a living out of their own hobbies, out of their own businesses. Brilliant! But I do think that we need to separate between the business and our personal finances.
I mean, you’re talking to a financial planner here.
I run my own business too… but I don’t mixed them up.
Analoginya begini.
Aneh gak kalau suamiku yang harus menanggung beban bayar rental S. Widjojo dan gaji sekretaris plus asisten-asisten itu?
Gak kan?
QM Financial has to make its own income. Then, I get my income as salary from QM or dividend payments at end of year.
So this is actually what we’re talking about on Stage 3.
When you are an investor, you need to be able to invest and face the music.
Businesses, properties or stocks, bonds, options, futures are all high risk investment. We classify them as ASSETS, some can be ACTIVE ASSETS. The important thing is, they are stand alones! When a business collapses, when a property is no longer attractive for rental, when company stock plummet, it should not even bother you a single bit!
Why? Because your personal finances should be taken care of.
Using the “tujuan lo apa” philosophy, you should have known what your goals are.
Dreams are just dreams. But goals – are dreams with plans and a deadline!
So tell me… where do you see your reksadana?
Reksadana is used in PLANNING stage, to replace ‘savings’ (STAGE 1 & 2)
Businesses, Properties, Papers are used in ASSET stage (STAGE 3, 4, & 5) to bring in more income which goes back into your PLAN.
Thus, you get your snowball effect!
Enough said I don’t want to spoil the 3rd book that I’m writing as we speak
Here’s a chart you can ponder upon… check it out and make sure when you own a business you know exactly how to manage business finance and personal finance.
Finance Should be Practical!
Ligwina Hananto