A sad story today came from a friend of mine.
She is 30 years old married with 2 kids. She just bought a unitlink insurance with coverage of Rp 1 billion. I said to her, well done. Then I popped the scary question, how much did it cost you?
She said, Rp 15 million per year.
In this particular policy, 100% of her premium goes to the insurance – not the unit for the first 2 years. So if she cancels it before 2 years, she gets nothing.
My heart stopped.
Last month we just helped a client, same age, same characteristics, with a term insurance coverage of Rp 1 billion at Rp 4 million per year, so other Rp 11 million of his money can go directly to his other goals : Rp 5 million for Dana Darurat (placed in Tabungan), Rp 3 million for Dana Pendidikan Anak (placed in Reksadana Pendapatan Tetap), Rp 3 million for Dana Pensiun (placed in Reksadana Saham)
I’m not going to say one product is better than the other.
But come on… let the numbers talk to you! Numbers don’t lie!
Asuransi untuk asuransi.
Investasi untuk investasi.
Pilih asuransi semurah-murahnya dengan nilai uang pertanggungan sebesar-besarnya, supaya sisa uang kita bisa sebanyak-banyaknya untuk investasi mencapai tujuan-tujuan finansial!
Buktikan dengan membandingkan angka-angkanya, dan pilih sendiri produk investasimu! Bukan pilihan agen, bukan pilihan planner, bukan pilihan teman yang sudah ikutan duluan, tapi pilihan mu sendiri!
Finance Should Be Practical!
Ligwina Hananto