Sumpah… gue gak menulis ini untuk ikut-ikutan mengomentari Maia & Dhani Ahmad. Hehehe… =))
Cuma saja, sudah beberapa kali gue terima email dari HardRockers yang new mums dan bertanya : Apakah sebaiknya perempuan bekerja?
Susah banget ya jawabnya.
Dulu, gue gak akan ragu untuk jawab: YA! Perempuan harus bekerja. Tapi sekarang, setelah umur gue 30 tahun, menikah 6 tahun, punya 2 anak, ceritanya beda lho.
Ada ’3 Orang Wina’ yang akan menjawab pertanyaan ini.
I grew up in a family where women are encouraged to work. In Poerwo family, my father’s family, women are workers, active participants in the household. All Poerwo women are decision makers, strong opinionative women. My grandma Nini Emmy was a lecturer, my aunties are lecturers, teachers, dance instructors and business woman. My mother is a retired teen singer – interior designer – school teacher – lecturer – school director. So I have always pictured myself as a working women. So as Wina The Self Confessed Feminista, I would encourage women have a successful career.
Even during my years in Perth, I was always so active, in the student organisation, multicultural radio program, various special projects and working part time. So my ‘Baby D’ (emang Dona Agnesia aja yang punya Baby D ehhehehe ) has always known me as this super woman. I could manage the house, become a good wife and still have a super duper career.
Then, came the babies.
Our first born, Muhammad Azra Hananto turned my world upside down. Out of the blue, ‘Baby D’ (seriously, Pandji gave this nick name to my husband, as the melayu version on Darius Sinathrya…;p ) asked me to stay at home with the baby. He strongly believes that children should be taken care of first hand, by the Mums. The problem was, I was and still am a workaholic. I loved going to work and staying really late for work. There was no way I was going to manage both career and baby at the same time.
Becoming a Stay Home Mum, was the most difficult decision I made, I felt like I wasn’t myself. Padahal apa sih salahnya diam di rumah mengurus anak? Anak lebih sehat, lebih pintar, lebih secure, lebih disiplin, lebih segalanya kalau kita para ibu ’kerja’ di rumah. This is the answer from Wina The Full Time Mum.
So I did. I stayed at home until Azra was 1 year old. Then I went back to school, which required hard work, 18 months of studying and long nights. At that point, we realise that I must contribute the wonderfully new found skills and knowledge to society.
That is how this whole roller coaster started.
As Wina The Financial Planner, women MUST work. Is your husband’s income so huge that it could cover all your family expenses and achieve all your family financial goals? I wish things are that easy for everybody. But for most people, it isn’t like that is it?
Inflation is high. Education fees skyrocket. Our generation is the generation that doesn’t even save! We are endangered of not being able to provide for our own pension. Jadi kalau para istri gak bantu suaminya, secara hitung-hitungan finansial, rasanya mission impossible untuk mencapai semua keinginan kita yang macam-macam itu.
Idealnya, perempuan harus punya pekerjaan yang dia cintai.
Fungsinya lebih seperti hobi. You work because you absolutely love doing it. Pasti enak banget kalau dengan pekerjaan itu, waktu kita tetap bisa fleksibel dan bisa sambil antar jemput anak-anak sekolah, sempat memandikan dan menyuapi, sempat bantu bikin PR nya, sempat bermain sepeda di taman, sempat antar lihat show Thomas The Tank Engine, dan sempat meninabobokan sampai ikut ketiduran.
Lebih asyik lagi kalau bisa menghasilkan, biar sedikit tapi lumayan buat tambahan biaya liburan dan hura-hura. Tapi paling bahagia ketika pekerjaan yang kita lakukan ini berhasil, bermanfaat untuk orang banyak, dan pangeran pujaan hati juga ikut bahagia dan mendukung karir kita.
Kayaknya gak semua orang bisa begitu ya?
Tapi dicoba dong, banyak kok pekerjaan lain selain pekerjaan jadi orang kantoran yang harus jam 8-5 pergi dari rumah.
Every one is entitled to their opinion. So feel free to agree or disagree.
Which answer will you take?
I asked my ‘Baby D’ last week, what he thinks of me working now. Yes, of course gue ngaku deh emang yang ini dalam konteks Maia & Dhani Ahmad LoL.
Dia cuma ketawa dan menjawab, “Sayang kamu kebanyakan nonton TV, ngantor gih sana.”
Finance Should Be Practical!
Ligwina Hananto